Introducing “What If” – a captivating detective series centered around the brilliant CE Smith, a character inspired by my father, Chester Earl Smith, Sr., an avid reader. 

As the eldest of four, my journey led me to the military straight out of high school to support my family. With a deep passion for writing since my teenage years, I explore creativity through various mediums like videos, music, photography, and poetry.

This series, dedicated to my late father, delves into the intricate tapestry of Memphis, Tennessee, offering a thought-provoking reversal of societal roles. Join me on this literary adventure and support the journey.

Now, through the proceeds of “What If,” we’re investing in the future, offering the youth a chance to learn trades – from essential skills like plumbing and electrical work to modern disciplines like computer graphics and programming. It’s more than a project; it’s a commitment to break the cycle, providing opportunities that transform lives and reshape communities. 

Join us in turning the page on crime by empowering the next generation with the tools they need to build a brighter tomorrow.

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